Monday, April 30, 2007

Not Sure...

Well I'm not really sure what to title this, but a title doesn't mean much anyway so oh well--

Well today I was in my car eating lunch as I do most days during the week and I was at Sonic and had ordered my lunch and was enjoying that and some good clean gospel music on our local radio station. I love to people watch so I was just watching people and how they react and do and there was a lady across the way and she was just chewing this little car hop us one side and down the other. The car hop was in a state of shock and I felt so sorry for her. I know the Bible says that we can be angry as long as we don't sin, but this lady was teetering on the edge. I just hate to see people get chewed up. You know even if my orders wrong and whatever I want to always try to be nice. It's wasn't the car hops fault no matter the case and I just really felt sorry for her I guess. Let us remember to SMILE today--no matter what comes our way just SMILE and remember that someone else may be worse off than you, so just SMILE and be polite. We are Christians you know, that means CHRIST like!

Funny, but Thought Provoking Quotes

—“The early church fasted and prayed, today's church prays fast.”—Joe Lewis

—“The greatest of all disorders is to think we are whole and need no help.”—Thomas Wilson

—“The way to bliss lies not on beds of down, and he that has no cross deserves no crown.” —Francis Quarles

—“Why not get out on a limb for Jesus? That's where all the fruit is!” — unknown

—"Courage is fear that has said its prayers."

—“The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.”—Herbert Agar

—“Worship helps people see God in the midst of their troubled lives.”—Paul Anderson

—“The best way to prepare for the coming of Christ is never to forget the presence of Christ.”—William Barclay

I hope these make you stop and think!

Again Hope you have a great day!

Honest Hyms

Is this the way we would sing these well-known hymns–if we were honest.

I Surrender Some

There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings

Fill My Spoon, Lord

Oh, How I Like Jesus

He’s Quite a Bit to Me

I Love to Talk About Telling the Story

Take My Life and Let Me Be

It is My Secret What God Can Do

There is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today

Onward, Christian Reserves

Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following

Just As I Pretend to Be

When the Saints Go Sneaking In

My prayer today is that we don't sing these songs with these thoughts attached.

I hope you all had a great weekend full of blessings from the Lord.

For all of you that are commenting I appreciate it so very much keep it up! I do visit your blogs often, I just don't comment too much, but I'm trying to get better at it. Again thanks and God Bless you all!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Well I'm just really trying to figure out what to post today. I'm sure something has happened, but not sure what. This blogging thing can get addictive if you let it. I've noticed that it's a great way to get to know other people in the Church that live out of state. I'm sure it's a great blessing to some that are part of smaller youth groups as well! It's nice to know that there are youth in other areas that are there to help when we need them. We are not all isolated bodies, we are all part of The Church of God, The Bride of Christ!

I also need some help--I need someone that knows something about blogs to help me make mine a little more, well me. I like the template that I have, but would like something a little different that makes this my space and a reflection of me. IF you are willing to help me I'm willing to try to learn, the key there is that I'll TRY to learn. I'm not computer illiterate, but I'm sure not a genius like some of the other blogs I've seen. If you're willing to help please leave a comment and your e-mail address and I'll get in touch with you. ~~Thanks~~

What a mighty God we serve, What a mighty God we serve. We serve a mighty God a Mighty, Mighty, God, Oh what a mighty God we serve!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Your Son For A Quarter

Several years ago, a new preacher moved to Houston, Texas. Some weeks after he arrived, he had occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, "You'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it." Then he thought, "Oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount. Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet." When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, "Here, you gave me too much change." The driver with a smile replied, "Aren't you the new preacher in town? I have been thinking lately about going to worship somewhere. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church on Sunday." When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said, "Oh God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter."

Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a really almost scary example of how much people watch us as Christians and will put us to the test. Always be on guard and remember (as I try to remember) that you carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself "Christian."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just a quick post

For complete description of materials and how to build it please refer to Genesis Chapter 5:14-16

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Our Choir

I'm just trying my hand at putting pictures on this blog thing so I hope it works.

This is a picture of our Choir in Harrisburg--we got the opportunity not long ago to sing at Heaven Bound Fish House in Bebe Arkansas. We had a really good time of fellowship while there. We were also able to sing at our Youth Convention this past weekend which we also enjoyed. We don't try to sing to entertain we sing to give glory to God.

Well I've not got much to say today, just thankful that the Lord saw fit to let me wake up this morning and go to work and for keeping me safe thus far.

Remember to read your Bibles daily, it's just like food in the natural, it's food for the spiritual and without food you will starve to death!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Sunday Night's Service

Well again here I am with another post. Yes it is intentional. I want to also say I thank the Lord for what He is doing in out local church in Harrisburg. He's raising up a might army of young people and gleaners that desire to be all that God would have them be. It blesses my soul so very much to see our children seeking God for what they need. I thank the Lord that I can now add two more to our list of sanctified VLB's--Praise the Lord, the old man is dead! Let us all pray for these two over the coming weeks. Sanctification doesn't mean that there will be no temptation, but with every temptation you over come you will be stronger in the Lord. Resist the Devil and he must flee. I hope to soon add even more experiences to our list of Youth. I desire for each one of our VLBS to be Saves, Sanctified, Holy Ghost filled, and a member of The Church of God. Let all pray for one another this week and pray that God will continue to pour out His blessing upon The Church of God. Let's pray for our backsliding youth as well that God begin to work in their hearts and lives and save them before it's too late.


Youth Convention

I just want to start off by saying Praise the Lord for an absolutely wonderful Youth Convention! I praise God for what He is doing among our young people. God is raising up a band of young people and gleaners that desire to be used of God and are willing to surrender unto Him. The Lord moved in a mighty way--I praise the Lord for the Holy Ghost message that was given out telling us that Time is near--The coming of the Lord is closer that we can even imagine. We must work while it is day for the night is coming when work will cease. I thank the Lord for each message that was preached. Bro. Horton did a wonderful job and he blessed my soul--What have I to give was the title of his first message taken from the book of Acts where the lame man sat by the gate called Beautiful and Peter and John said Silver and Gold have I none but such as I have give I thee Rise up and walk. They didn't have silver or gold, but had something much more precious. They had the power from the Holy Ghost. I just praise the Lord for all that He did for our young people. I enjoyed getting to meet our Church members from Oklahoma and E. Texas--They are wonderful people full of power and wisdom given to them by the Holy Ghost. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Sunday

PRAISE THE LORD is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of our Easter Sunday service. We watched the power of the Lord bring conviction to souls in need of salvation and giving many a much needed blessing. From what I hear our church was the talk of all others Sunday Night. Some even said that this was the best Easter service they had every been in. From what I hear we had the largest crowd in the surrounding areas for The Church of God. Again I say Praise the Lord. He's worthy of our praise. 93 in attendance isn't an impossible number -- see we're that much closer to 100. Lets all pray that we will see some of those that were in the alter back Wednesday and Sunday.

Often I'm reminded of this scripture; Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Sometimes we really just need to humble ourselves and pray and seek God's face then will we hear from heaven and then He will heal our land.

I praise the Lord so much for each of you that worked so hard with the choir or helping with props or whatever you did I feel blessed to have gotten to know each one of you! You are all truly a blessing to me and my family. My prayer is that the Lord will bless you and your family beyond measure.

Well I guess that about wraps up the update I hope you are all having a great week!

Don't forget we need three desserts for Sunday!

Also be thinking of how we can do a Spaghetti Supper for a VLB fund raiser.

Thanks again and God Bless!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

New Blog

Well I went to update my old blog and poof it's gone. STRANGE--So anyway I decided to just make a new one and go on. I still plan to keep this mainly a VLB/Young Adult blog, but I'm sure that at times personal stuff will still drift in. I'm also planning to give weekly up dates on this and that, but no promises!

I also want to take this opportunity to give you a special invite to join us for our church services

Sunday School 10am-11am
Sunday Worship 11am-12pm (Children's Church Provided)
Wednesday Night Bible Study 7pm
Wednesday Nigh Gleaners for Children under 13 7pm

Pastor John Honeycutt

The Church of God
403 W. Peck Rd.
Harrisburg, Ar 72432

Anyway we are right in the middle of a fundraiser for our Young Adult Sunday School class and I must say that the Lord has been blessing our efforts. So far we've raised around $250.00 to use for outings for our class. I'm amazed to see people pay 30.00 + for a cake, pie, or even brownies. God is so Good. We've all enjoyed it and enjoyed watching God provide for a need.

Well I'm sure there is more to be said, but I need to get back to work. Feel free to leave comments and share things on here too. I look forward to hearing from some of my VLB's on here as well.

OH,One last thing--
We are planning an Easter Dinner following a Special Easter Service on Sunday (4/8) so please make plans to attend.

An Egg Hunt for the Children will also be hosted after the service so bring your kids and at least 6 eggs for a contest of best decorated eggs.

REMEMBER: The Joy of the Lord is your Strength.