Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Mothers Day

Well Mothers Day is just right around the corner. I was reading today online and they were talking about what mom's really wanted for Mothers Day and none of them listed "GIFTS" but they all wanted to just spend time with their children. We sometimes get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life that we don't take the time for the little things in life. For instance have you ever told your child it was time for bed and they asked you to tuck you in and you asked your spouse to do it so you could finish up the dishes? I know I have, but I want to cherish every minute I have with my children. They are truly a gift from God and I never want to forget that. I was reading Brother Queeners book Sunday and was reading of how he and his wife lost several children with in an hour of their birth and I thought about how horribly it would be to loose 1 much less 3 or 4. God has truly blessed me with two wonderful children and I never want to take that for granted!

I hope all you wonderful Mothers have a great Mothers Day and get to spend time with your family.

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