Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it Chrsitmas Already??

Well we all know the answer to that question--Yes Christmas is here.

I guess I'll back track a little here--we had a great Thanksgiving. Anna Claire had her 9 month (she was actually 10 months) check up on November 23 and she was in the 50th percentile for height and weight. She also got a flu shot, which she actually did great with--not even one single tear. She is getting around pretty good now--she isn't crawling much, but she can sure scoot where she wants to go.

After Thanksgiving our office went on Vacation to Branson. We had a great time and really enjoyed it. Friday night we went to Dixie Stampede and it was actually very, very good. We have seen the show before, but never the Christmas show, but it was well worth the money and Anna Claire LOVED it! On Saturday we went to Silver Dollar City and about froze to death and it was much to crowded for me and Paydon didn't enjoy it either because there were way too many people trying to get around it just wasn't enjoyable at all. We did manage to see one show while there and it was a 20 minute Frosty the Snowman show, but Paydon liked it--Anna Claire slept thru it, so I guess she enjoyed it too. Sunday we headed back home, but stopped on the way at Springfield for Paydon to look around at all the animals at the Bass Pro shop there--it is huge! Paydon really enjoyed it. We then got back on the road headed home, well we thought it was the road to home, it was actually the road north and we do not live north of Springfield we live southeast of it, so after about 35 minutes we realized we missed our turn back toward home, so we spent about 35 minutes backtracking, but finally got on the correct road home. We had a very enjoyable trip, very relaxed, we really needed it too.

In other news the kiddos are both doing well. Paydon is doing well in school and Anna Claire is doing well at eating, and eating, and sleeping. She jabbers up a storm now. She will try to say Ho, Ho, Ho, but it comes out with just the "H", it is so cute though. She is growing up so fast, she'll soon be 1 year old--it is very hard to believe that time has flown by so very fast, but it has. My babies are growing up. Paydon will be 9 January 4th and that doesn't seem possible either but it is. He'll enter the 4th grade next year, *tear* I can't believe it!!

Well since it is so close to Christmas, I guess I'd better go ahead and wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! Jesus is the reason for the season! Let us never forget the First Gift of Christmas--Jesus!


1 comment:

Tammy Washburn said...

Hi & Merry Christmas! You visited my blog and now I know where yours is too!

(we finally saw your comment about the iPhones. We don't have State Farm, but I'll check to see if Alfa does too. Thanks!)

While we were in Calloway Gardens, some friends of ours were at the Dixie Stampede to see the Christmas show, but they were in Gatlinburg. I hear it is great.

Tammy Washburn