Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Well I have not updated in the last several months--I've been so busy, but I don't think I can remember it all. I'll try to do the best I can.

Lets see....September--Hmm--The only thing I remember about September is a Kidney Stone. Let me just say that a Kidney Stone and pregnancy are not a good combination! I did survive, but never passed it. The pain subsided though so to that I am thankful! Also in September we found out that we are having a little girl! We are very excited about that a boy and now a girl---my family is complete! We think we are naming her Anna Claire--she will be called by both names--no Anna or just Claire--Anna Claire! Paydon has really gotten excited, however that was not the case in the beginning. He cried the first hour we knew it was a girl. He even told the Ultrasound Tech that she was not the Doctor and didn't believe it was a girl until the Doctor actually told him. He was so bummed--he wanted a brother so bad, but now he is very excited to be a big brother to a sweet little girl!

October---Hmmm--The only thing I remember is Revival with Sister Betty Bishop and our Church Harvest Celebration. We had a really good revival with Sis. Bishop--she preached some outstanding end time messages--they were great. She is such a hoot! Paydon loves her to death as well as all the children at our local church. She is just so great with all ages and can hold the attention of anyone that will even attempt to listen. We just love Sister Bishop. Also in October I failed my 1hr Glucose tolerance test--ugh that meant I had to take the 3hr test. Thank the Lord I passed it with outstanding blood readings again very thankful for that. The Lord has blessed me abundantly with this pregnancy. I hear from my co-workers and friends that pregnancy must agree with me because I look great to be now 31 weeks pregnant.

November---ok that's this month. What has happened? Not too much I guess except another bout with that stinking Kidney Stone. My OB sent me to a Urologist--they can't run any test because I'm pregnant and it seems that being pregnant is what is causing this. They did run 1 ONE X-ray and thought they may have seen a tiny stone, but they could not tell for sure! The pain surprised to I decided to forgo all the stints and such and just depend on the Lord to take care of me and then if it pops back up after delivery then they can run tests and we can go from there, but I refuse to worry about that right now! In other news, I feel like a TV reporter! Thanksgiving is tomorrow--I'll be spending that with my family and I'm really excited to see everyone! I'll be having my baby shower on the 14th of December at our local church and I'm finally getting really excited about this baby. I don't know what my problem has been, but I've just not been able to get really excited about it. I've worried so much and had so many crazy/scary dreams that I have not allowed myself to get excited. I've gotten better over the past few weeks and I'm sure as time gets closer the excitement will build. Well I really need to finish some end of day stuff around here so I best be going!

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

I'll try to post before Christmas

Bye :)

1 comment:

Pam said...

Beth it was good to read a new post. Congratulations I'm so excited that you are having a girl.