Thursday, March 24, 2011


Okay-so it's been 6 months since my last post and I'm sure no one will even read it, but I want to blog. I'm such a terrible blogger, I'm just so very, very busy. So in case anyone is wondering what we've been up too I'll fill you in. Both my children have had birthdays since my last post making my little man 10 and my little angel 2, yep she's two and boy has she entered the terrible two's. I don't remember my little man being this way, but my little angel is very hard headed and very independent. She thinks she can do EVERYTHING by herself and as other moms out there know--she can't! Yep my angel is 2 going on 22. She can be so sweet though, I just love to look into her eyes at night while I hold her and wait for her to fall asleep in my arms and it's so sweet when she looks up with those beautiful eyes and says "love you mommy". Just melts my heart. Then there are times when she makes us laugh, well I'm sure we laugh at her at least once a day--she loves to sing and praise the Lord. Our pastor often says that we could all learn a lesson from her praise to the Lord. She doesn't understand it yet, but she loves to sing praises unto God. My prayer for both my children is that they know God early and form that personal relationship with Him. I want them to realize early that there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. I want God to use them however He sees fit and want Him to give me the strength to be able to handle their calling, which may call them across the sea! My little man isn't such a little man anymore. He is getting closer and closer to those teenage years---sigh---I sure hate to see him grow up, but it is inevitable, he's gonna grow up, I can't keep him 10 forever.
Well Christmas is gone and Spring has sprung and everything is getting green and beautiful again. I just love to see all the easter lillies or butter cups as some call them springing up everywhere. I guess that is my favorite little flower besides the yellow rose. I just love spring. The weather isn't too hot (most of the time) and I just love it. This is my sons spring break week and tomorrow I'm off work to spend the day with the kiddos and I can't wait. I hope it's pretty, I want to get outside and enjoy the day.
In other news we are in revival with Bro. Brian O'dell and praise the Lord, God has given him some very great timley messages that have spoken to my heart in so many ways. So far for me last night was the best message about "he built a fence" he preached about the importance of the Advice to Members and all I can say is Thank God for the Fence!!! Well I guess that's enough for now. God Bless each and every one of you!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Thought I'd share some updated pictures of the family.

Well that's about all I have for today! Hope you have a great Wednesday Night Service.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Well I Woke Up This Morning...

With my mind stayed on Jesus! This is true! I did wake up with my mind stayed on Jesus. God has been so good to me that I'll never be able to praise Him enough for his goodness and mercy!

I was going thru my work computer and found some old pics of Anna Claire and some of our church kids and thought I'd share so here it goes.

Bro. James Gaskins and Anna Claire around Christmas last year.

Sis. Honeycutt and Anna Claire

Paydon and Anna Claire's Me-Me (Deb Walters)

This picture is really old, Paydon doesn't have his glasses yet.

Hayden and Haley Wilson

This is the first picture of Anna Claire and Paydon together.

Well that's about it from here. Hope you all have a great day. God Bless you!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Great Ladies Retreat

Well as you that read the last post know I was worried that Anna Claire would have a really hard time without her momma while I was gone to Ladies Retreat. Do you know that God moved and worked and she never really even asked about me?! She was even in bed on Friday night about two hours earlier than normal! I Praise God for that!

Praise God for a wonderful ladies retreat! I had such a wonderful time in the Lord and enjoyed the wonderful fellowship so very much. God is so good to me that I'll never be able to tell all that He has done for me, but please know that we serve a great big God! Our Ladies Retreat theme was "Committed to Service". Everything from open to close went with being TOTALLY committed to God! A total commitment is what is required from us. Sis. Tammi Adams was my TAPS (talk and prayer session) leader and I so appreciate everything that God gave her, she may have been out of her comfort zone, but she still allowed God to use her to minister to those of us who were lucky enough to be in her group. She talked about how if you go to the bank to cash a check, you must have the whole check. The bank will not cash a check if you only give them part of it, part of a check is of no value. Much the same, God desires all of us and only a partial commitment will have no eternal value. God has taught me several things throughout this weekend and I can't really explain it all, but God is doing a work in me and I'm thankful for that. My desire is to be totally committed to Christ and His Church and to move closer and closer to God, I want to live for him and if need be I want to be willing to die for Him. I want nothing between my soul and the savior!

The fellowship is always wonderful around Gods people! I can truly say that laughter doth good like a medicine. Those of us at Ladies Retreat truly got an overdose on laughter. Many laughed till it hurt to laugh, but laughed some more. Sis. Janet Talley was our guest speaker and she shared so many things, some that made me laugh and just as many that made me stop and examine myself and at times cry! I want to worship the Lord not WARship the Lord and I want to do in spirit and in truth. I don't want to fail the Lord and if I'm totally committed to Him I will not! One thing that sticks out is the little story Sis. Tammi put in our Journal's that she gave each of us in her TAPS group and I'll share it with you and pray that it blesses you as it blessed me.

A chicken and a pig were walking down
the road together. They passed a sign for
a local diner advertising its breakfast
special: "Ham and Eggs--$2.95!" The
chicken said, "That's our whole
contribution to society: breakfast food!"
The pig replied, "For you, it may be a contribution.
For me it's total Commitment."
Are you like the chicken and merely contributing or are you like the pig...
In closing I'd like to say to all those that attended the retreat Wee Wee my Ladies! :)